#IICSG2018 Conference Keynote
Day 1 (24 May 2018)
@ Stamford Ballroom
Attackers are always trying their best to breach your network to steal the secret sauce hidden inside. This session will delve into the attacker's toolset and focus on the types of attacks that are being leveraged against companies today. I will examine tools, case studies and my own war stories.
About Dave Lewis
Dave Lewis has over two decades of industry experience. He has extensive experience in IT security operations and management. Currently, Lewis is a Global Security Advocate for Akamai Technologies. He is the founder of the security site Liquidmatrix Security Digest and co-host of the Liquidmatrix podcast. Lewis serves on the advisory boards for Cortex Insight and Dateva Inc. Lewis writes columns for Forbes, Daily Swig, CSO Online, TV Technology & Dark Reading.