SINCON 2021 Conference — Workshop
Day 2 (06 Nov 2021) 10.00am—10.45am @ Workshop Room
Introduction to In-Vehicular Networks (IVN) & Free CAN Bus Tools
Automotive security is a field of rising importance worldwide. Vehicles are becoming smarter than ever, equipped with processors, sensors, and new communication technologies to improve road safety and consumer comfort. Despite hosting a myriad of different technologies, the most fundamental factor differentiating automotive security from any other security discipline is its use of In-Vehicle Networks (IVN) — the nervous system of a car.
This workshop introduces the audience to the most widely used IVN technology in the world — CAN bus — and gives them a full hands-on experience without needing any hardware. Students learn to read data from a CAN bus, send CAN messages themselves, and even record traffic logs for advanced applications.
About Kamel Ghali
KAMEL GHALI is a veteran of the automotive cybersecurity community, having spent over 3 years as an expert car hacker, technical trainer, and contributor to worldwide industry-focused communities such as the SAE, Automotive Security Research Group (ASRG), and the Car Hacking Village. His particular areas of focus within vehicle security are Bluetooth, RF, and in-vehicle networks. He currently works at White Motion – subsidiary of the global automotive supplier Marelli – where he leads the vehicle security research team, assessing vehicle systems and training customers in state-of-the-art car-hacking techniques. Outside the garage, Kamel is an amateur chef, ukulele player, and fighting game enthusiast.
Kamel has presented at several security conferences and events over the years including GrimmCon, DEF CON (Car Hacking Village) Hack In the Box (HITB), Auto-ISAC Summit, events for ASRG, and more.